
Stuck in a Rut? 3 Simple Steps to Get Moving and Get Things Done!

I love that quote. Why? Because while traversing the path toward being more effective in any area of your life, becoming a better person, or improving health and vitality, you will eventually find that there are certain hurdles that will seem insurmountable.

Perhaps you’re ready to finally start dialing in your health, but have no idea where or how to begin. Maybe you’ve been wanting to get in shape or you’ve been trying for years to improve the way you eat because you know you could do better.

Thank you Ali! Here Are 4 Key Takeaways From The Legend.

There are people who come into to world that leave a mark far greater than just their physical being. Legends that are made and last longer than the dash between the dates of their life. Muhammad Ali was one of those people, both in and out of the ring.

How Two Little Words Are Setting You Up for Misery

Let me guess…. The circumstances of your life right now are less than ideal. Am I correct? I see a lot of people struggling with health and life issues, or with connecting the dots of their passion and purpose. 

It’s Time To Revisit That New Year’s Resolution

Yes, Spring is here!

When we stop and think about it, the time of year to achieve successful resolutions is not in the middle of winter when the days are shorter, the weather is colder and people tend to spend more time indoors. Naturally, winter is a time of year when all creatures tend to be less active.